Thursday, April 16, 2009

We're eating pig tonight!

Tonight at the supper table Emily told Abigail we were eating pig and Abigail said "Momma, how was you able to catch this pig?" Emily, being the ever so intelligent child said, "Well, Abigail, it's all about gaining the pigs' trust so you can trick him into letting you get him. You take a feed bucket and lure him to the gate!" and Abigail said "REALLY?!, and then you put barbeque on him?" Brandon had to step in then and fill in all of the missing pieces between killing the hog and being able to eat it. Brandon asked the girls where do you shoot a pig and Abigail said "In the pasture daddy!" we were like no, what part of the body of the pig do you shoot it? Oh Lord... Why do we have to talk about this right in the middle of the meal. All I want to do is sit there and eat, not talk about slaughter day. Being around this family will make you want to be a vegetarian. Is there anything bad about how they make chocolate? God I hope they can't ruin that for me too! Well, hope everyone has a ointastic weekend.