Saturday, November 16, 2013

Halloween 2013

This past Halloween was a sad day.  We lost our dear Paw Paw Terry to metastatic liver cancer.  He had not been doing well, but I never expected him to go so soon.  He found out he had colon cancer at Christmas and this year he went through surgery and then 2 rounds of chemo and neither touched the cancer.  He was only 59.  Please, please, please make all the men in your lives get there scheduled colonoscopy and checkups!  That goes for ALL recommended screening tests for anyone.  Catch this stuff early!!! 
OK, enough of the public service announcement...

The kids had wanted to dress up and go show him their costumes like they do every year, but we weren't able to this year.   He was such a fun loving kid at heart that the girls loved spending time with him and he is missed dearly.  
This is my favorite picture of Terry.  He was grilling BBQ ribs for me and Ann (and family) on Mother's Day several years ago

Here he is with his granddaughters and bunny.  He was very smart about animals and he loved sharing his insights with the girls.  I wish he were here to help Emily with her new interest of deer hunting. 
Nice catch!  He had a love for fishing and he asked Ann if she thought their was fishing in the "river of life"  on one of his last days.
He loved going to the beach and fishing off the pier. 

We had already been planning a Halloween party and had several families planning to come over that night.  We managed to get what we needed done here and Brandon was able to spread himself out between here and his moms' house. 
Abigail as Abby Bominable for Halloween.  I just love the fake eyelashes!  She said she looked like Miss Piggy!

Most of the kids at party...

Abigail and Emily (after a couple of hayrides where Abigail lost her fake eyelashes somewhere)