Saturday, March 28, 2009

First time blogging

Well, everyone else does it, so I my as well get started myself! I guess I should explain why I named this mismatched socks and mischief. I was trying to set up the new blog name and everything I could possibly think of already existed. I looked over and saw the laundry basket of clothes that needed to be folded and I thought I would walk away from the computer and fold clothes while I thought of a name for my blog. After putting away all of the clothes I realized that between the 4 people in our household, I only have 13 mismatched socks today! Wow! How does that happen? Where are they? Who knows! Do I care, we will just have to buy more, that's how it goes. Downstairs I could hear the kids and that's self explanatory-mischief. So there we go mismatched socks and mischief PERFECT! And it's not already taken! Good, let's get going. It's another rainy Saturday in the Carolinas and the kids are stuck in the house. Never mind the new 20" bike Emily got this past week, or the batting tee that Abigail got to try to practice her swinging. We have all kinds of new outdoor toys and the kids are stuck inside playing the Wii! Emily has recovered from her bicycle wreck and her 4-wheeler wreck from a few weeks ago. We decided her bike wreck was partly do to it being way to small for her height and her knees were over handle bar level. Poor child, I guess I need to check her toes and make sure she hasn't grown out of her shoes too without us noticing! Abigail has been a trickster lately. She plays pranks on everyone, including hiding my bra while I was in the shower! She got tested for the county's preschool program yesterday and I think she told them she didn't know things that she probably does know, she was just being contrary! We will have to watch out for her. She is going to be our trouble maker, I do believe.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    Welcome to the world of blogging! I have slowed down on mine cause I think only 2 or 3 people ever looked at it regularly! I just added a picture last week though.
    Like the name! I always wonder where all the socks go too!
    Take care and hope to see ya'll soon!
