Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Projects

So I have completely given up on doing things in the house all day long.  I did enough of that the first 9 days.  I have learned that an hour or two every day is plenty to keep the house straightened up.  I have moved beyond the house to the yard and pastures.  I moved 3 truck loads of rocks from the fenceline along the driveway to an old ditch in the goat pasture.  I will admit that I waited for the kids to get home to help me throw the rocks out into the ditch, but loading them had been the devil!  This motivated Brandon to take pasture fence down and get in there with bobcat to push down some unlevel spots and fill in some old perk holes.  All this means more work... more rock to move and brush to be dragged and piled up to burn.  Its amazing what we can get done when Brandon is off from from Friday to Sunday.  One thing leads to another.  We also sowed new grass in the front yard and put down straw.  This has been an ongoing problem ever since we moved here, but we try, try again!  As a family we also split 4 trees and stacked the wood in the woodshed for next year.  I have hauled wood into the basement enough times that I am so ready for warm weather to get here and stay! 
We have gotten our garden started.  There are 5 rows of potatoes planted, broccoli and cabbage set out, and leaf lettuce sowed.    I have cleaned up possum poop, Great Dane dog poop, and various other unpleasant things while out and about.  I have also sanded and painted the trim around Brandon's garage door too.  The more I do the more Brandon thinks about that can be done next.  He puts an idea in my head and what do you know...I do it!  I can't wait for warmer weather because I am going to fire up the pressure washer and clean some siding and concrete.  I was so happy to see the rain today.  We got to be lazy for a day.  We went to the movies to see "The Croods" and it was a cute little movie.  Now it's time to get ready for another action packed week ahead.  I am almost sorry that I talked Brandon into taking off Easter week!  He will kill me by the end of that week!  I will need to take an Advil every morning before he puts me to work! Hahaha!
Brandon getting the garden ready.
possum poop prints... was he trying to push the garage button so he could escape!?  Hmmm...  Poor thing got shut up for 2 nights in a row and he literally tore up the garage both nights.  He pooped on the mat, stepped all in it, walked around and tore up a shelf to get up to where this garage door button was.  I guess it was glowing in the dark and he went to investigate!
The girls with our latest arrival.  Twins!!! These will be the perfect age for the Green Goats and Garden festival next month!

Some practice packaging for some of my soaps. 
My new work uniform...It's funny how the farmer has to go off to the city to work everyday while the wife is stuck at home!

View from my office.  Try finding this in the city!  Hershey comes down to visit when he hears me in the woods.  He has been a bit spoiled lately.  He gets brushed and combed a couple times a week and looks forward to getting the attention!

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