Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lab Corp Goodbyes

Our last day at Lab Corp Charlotte was March 1.  We decided to get together for one last social visit before we all went our separate ways.  We did pretty good all day at work but by the end of the evening we were all emotional and sad to be leaving.  Out of the 13 of us only 4 decided to transfer to Burlington and continue working for Lab Corp.  The rest of us are going to try something new or just wait and see what happens. 
Part of our group after work on the last day.  We gathered at Cheddars and everyone of us showed up.

The other part of our group.  The guy on left and the guy on the right are bonus people that decided to join us for the evening.  Kevin on the left used to work with us but went to CMC a few years ago.  Melissa (the girl in middle with beautiful red hair) is one of our administrative specialist and the Steve (in red on right) is Vanessa's husband. 
Jan our administrative specialist.  She is a hoot and a half.  She actually went to high school with my dad and lives not too far from me. 

Me and Mama Nancy.  She watched over us like a mother hen. She has worked at same place for 39 years so she has practically raised the rest of us! 
My supervisor Tom.  He had dropped by Lab Corp while on medical leave the same day Headquarters decided to drop by with our closure information.  What coincidence!

Carol the super positive attitude lady!  She plans on driving to Burlington and continue working for Lab Corp. 

My cell mates.  (No pun intended!!!) Carol, Vanessa, and Allen have had to put up with me and my "Lordy, Lordy, Lordy" chant at least every hour for years!  The four of us shared a screening room. Allen is planning on still working for Lab Corp in Burlington 

Sandra and Terrence had the prison cell next to us.  And no... we really didn't have cells, but that's what it seemed like sometimes.  Sandra is a cancer survivor and inspiration to many.  She plans to expand her baking business so if you need something let me know!  Terrence is moving to Burlington so he can continue working for Lab Corp.

These are the girls that had a cell across the hall from us.  Kim is in a physical trainer program, Valerie is commuting to Burlington, and Christine plans to finish an IT program she has already started.

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