Saturday, March 9, 2013

From Domestic to Desperate!

Woo Wee it smells like Monkey Farts and Coffee up in here!!! So I have officially finished my first whole week at home.  I am thinking now I am more of a desperate housewife than a domestic goddess!  You know, the Lucille Ball kind of crazy desperate.  I have had several moments this week when I sounded just like her!  Thursday I was making some lye water using strong coffee for a new soap recipe.  I had read it is better to mix that outside because of fumes and stinking smells so I went out basement door with my lye and coffee, mixed it up, watched it smoke for a bit, and then turned around to find out that I had locked myself out of the house!  So here I am in a t-shirt and jeans and it was probably still in the 30s out there and I had no way to get inside and meanwhile I have this vat of lye coffee that is cooling and going to need to be mixed with the fats when it cooled to 105 degrees.  Sooo what do I do?  I could get into the garage and I found a sweater and an old LabCorp health insurance card (useless now) in my car.  I jerked the sweater on and ran to see if I could card the basement door.  I couldn't so I went around and checked all the windows to see if they were locked (they were) and then I got desperate and violent and mad and was able to card the door with the insurance card.  Thank goodness I hadn't thrown that away yet!  I was able to get in and finish getting ready the fats for my now cool lye solution. 

What the coffee log looked like before I stored it away to "cure"

Freshly cut bars of Columbian Coffee Soap.  I wish there were a smelling app for this!  I cut these smaller than usual because I figured that if each bar was cheaper that people would be more likely to try it at a smaller financial risk!

I actually made 5 batches of soap this week.  Hence the Monkey Farts and Coffee smell.  The Monkey Farts is actually a banana pineapple like smell scent that I got a trial bottle of.  The kids like it (I am not sure if it's the name or the smell that they like)  I am trying to get a variety of soaps ready for the Green Goats and Garden festival.  We are taking several of our goats and I decided this might be an opportunity to try to sell some soap too.  The good thing is if I don't sell it, I can always use it for myself!
This coming week I have a few things lined up to keep me busy.  Monday I am taking Brandon's car to have the tires rotated and oil changed, Tuesday I have my farm business class, Wednesday I am going to school to eat lunch with Abigail, Thursday I am eating lunch with Emily, and Friday I will probably be hanging out with Brandon as he takes care of animals and errands.  We are getting a new bull soon so maybe we can go pick him up and introduce him to his new ladies.  Fun Stuff.  With the other 3 dozen hours of free time I don't know what I will get into.  I am starting to get irritated with the idea of trying to find something to keep myself busy.  There is only so much baseboard and window seal cleaning a girl can do before it bores you out of your mind!  I swear there is 14.7 miles of baseboard in my house!  I went through an entire box of swifter dusting wipes and a box of magic erasers last week and I am not looking forward to picking up where I left off.  I hope the weather stays nice so I can get some outdoors time in.  We tillered my raised bed this weekend so I can get my cabbage in the ground and I may go look to see what else is out there that I can plant now.  I would also like to wash some siding with the pressure washer.  So, I guess my week is probably going to be an eventful one.  Maybe I will get some follow up calls on job applications I have in.  That would be a good feeling.   But until then I will be here cleaning things that no one will ever notice that I cleaned...

1 comment:

  1. Sign me up for some monkey fart soap! Sounds like you are doing a good job staying busy! ;)
