Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 3 Update

So here I am 3 days into my extended vacation.  Over the weekend I was pretty bummed about the upcoming "first week", but I am starting to get the hang of this staying at home thing.  I had a lunch date today with a good friend from high school and she recommended I call myself the "domestic goddess".  I thought about it for a while and I am worried that may involve too much work!  I mean as a domestic goddess shouldn't I keep my legs shaved and learn how to sew or something?!?  I am not sure I can live up to that title!  I have been making batches of soap and doing some touch up painting.  I don't know if that will qualify me as a domestic goddess just yet!  In another week or so of this nonsense I will run out of "special" projects.  It's nice to get to sleep in till 6am everyday and when the kids get on the bus at 6:40 I start my whirlwind of straightening up the house, laundry, and sweeping.  By 8:30 I have drank my pot of coffee and finished the normal housework stuff.  The rest of the day I spend in a blur of other projects.  I actually get excited when the mail comes.  Last night I remembered I didn't get the mail and got excited because that meant I could go to mailbox twice today! (Once early and once later after they came again)  I am getting a little bit nutty I know!  I don't know why mail excites me, I told Brandon it was my link to the outside world!  You never know what might come...usually it's just a letter from a car dealer swearing they need my cars' make and model on their used car lot.  HA! At 283,000 miles and a $1700 tax value I don't think they know what they are talking about!  Who knows, I might get bored one day and call them and confirm if they really want it or not!  This goes for telemarketers too.  I might just answer, yank their chain for a little while, and then decline their offer.  I haven't slumped to that level yet, but only time will tell.  For now I have a new shipment from Wellington fragrance company to go through and daydream about what soap I am going to make next.  I think tomorrow it will be coffee soap and monkey fart children's soap.  I know I know, that is so terrible sounding, but that's what it is actually called.  It's a multi-fruit scented smell popular in kids soap.  I think if I ever make it to sell I will have to change the name-it sounds too bad to print and advertise!  Well, until next update this is how things are going at the new domestic goddess' secret lab.

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