Sunday, April 28, 2013

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Let's hope all this rain this week will bring on the Spring flowers!  I can't believe it's almost May and we are still having cool weather!  Last weekend we went to the beach and I wore a sweatshirt the entire time!  The kids didn't mind though, they swam several hours both days and it didn't even phase them!  Ocean water was still frigid, but heated pools were awesome! 
We walked to our favorite pizza place Friday night and it came a downpour and we had to run back to hotel in a thunderstorm! Kids thought that was hilarious. We had to dry our jackets and shoes when we got back to the condo! 


Saturday morning was chilly so we went to the Ripley's Aquarium.
Brandon didn't even venture down to the beach with us. He was probably watching TV instead!
Abigail in one of her wild moods!!

 Abigail's new favorite restaurant is now Thorny's.  We even had ribeye leftover for breakfast the next day and it was awesome!

 Brandon and Emily contemplating the world's problems, or maybe it was just the next hole?  We went to Mt. Atlanticus Mini Golf Saturday night.
We had a good weekend, but can't wait to go back when the weather is warmer!  We came back to a week of preparing for the Green Goats and Garden festival which was this past Saturday.  Brandon took 4 goats and I set up a soap booth to try to start my "business"  We had a good day and the rain held off until after the festival was over so we were very thankful for that.  For pictures of this please see my other blog,  I made some more soap today and will make several more batches this week to replenish my supply. 


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