Saturday, February 9, 2013

Regional Science Fair

Emily waiting on science fair judging

We were in Salisbury all day today for Emily's Science Fair Project deal.  After an all day affair she didn't get advanced to the state competetion, but we did have a good day.  It was good to see Emily hanging out with her fellow classmates and having a good time.  I always worry about her social skills, but she seemed to be doing just fine today.  She didn't seem to be upset that she wasn't advanced to the next level, but we had plans to celebrate afterwards either way it went.  We went out to eat and then off to the movies to see Warm Bodies (a zombie/comedy/love story for those of you that don't keep up with these things).  It was a really good movie and a nice end to our long day.  Tomorrow will we have to hit it hard and do all the things around the house that should have been done today.  We need to put tin on our hog building and get the pig pen put back together.  Seems like Suzy Lou wasn't quite ready to go to slaughter back in December and she tore up some stuff before she left out of there!  There is always something to do...

Me and my lovely kids

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