Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Well we just got home today from Emily's softball tournament. Emily is still in Martinsville VA with some of her team. They had already paid for tonight and so they decided to stay until tomorrow morning. We lost today to Rockingham 7-8. It was an amazing game with all the girls doing pretty well despite the heat. Yesterday we won against Dunn and the score was 4-0. This was a crazy exciting game because those 4 runs we got all came in the 6th inning with a grand slam by Karlee Efird. Emily had hit a base hit and got out there and then 2 other players got the bases loaded and set Karlee up to bring them all in. It was crazy! The games are supposed to be 5 innings, but since we were tied 0-0 we had to go into this 6th inning that ended up being what we needed. Emily finally got some respect from her team for getting them started and getting the first run in of the game. The other amazing thing is that every girl that had the bases loaded were all "benchwarmers" and finally got some attention. This was wonderful. We were on cloud 9 all evening after that. Then going into today we knew that Rockingham was going to be tough, but we held them at a close game and I think we actually made them worry about a win for a change. I am going to post some pictures from over the past few days. I have a video of the grand slam event, but can not upload it to my blog due to its size. If you are interested we can arrange a viewing!
Abi chilling out under Abby's family tent playing with uncle Chad's old iphone.

Emily on first base from her hit in the game where they won 4-0.

Emily on 2nd base after her hit that got them started.  To see her on 3rd base you will have to see video!

The team after losing to Rockingham 7-8. You can tell Emily isn't too happy.

Emily concentrating

Emily trying to get a hit in

 Abby and Abi-Attached at the hip for the entire ball tournament.  Note Flynn and Rapuzel are wearing the wrong clothes!

Emily waiting in the outfield for a ball to come her way.

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