Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Vacation Continues...

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Emily making peanut butter cookies

Ok, maybe I shouldn't have had such a good day on Monday because we have been paying for it for the past 2 days.  Abigail woke up yesterday throwing up.  We still made the best of the situation and she and Emily were able to clock in over 8 hours on Netflix.  I got some much needed house work done since I was tied to the house for Abigail's little emergencies.  I did however take the time to hold  Abigail and watch Where the Red Fern Grows between cleaning bathrooms and mopping floors.  Later that night Emily and I hit the kitchen to make some Gingerbread shaped peanut butter cookies.  Abigail was a tough little trooper and so pitiful but by last night she acted better.  Then this morning I was woke up by the sound of little feet hitting the floor and running to the bathroom.  She got better as far as the throwing up went, but was completely drained energy wise.  We had planned a movie and Melting Pot trip for today and so here again one of our kids was subjected to the Burnette Boot Camp way of doing things.  I packed Abi an entire change of clothes, her Motrin, and a double layer plastic Food Lion bag lined with paper towels (can you guess what that was for?) and we headed to town.  We got Abigail some Chik-Fil-A because she thought she might could eat that.  She hasn't ate much of anything these past 2 days.  She ate 3 nuggets and I was relieved to finally get something in her, but worried that it might revisit us.  I was prepared and what will be, will be, so we headed to the theatre to watch the new Narnia movie in 3-D.  The poor child is sick to her stomach and we make her sit through 2 hours of action packed 3-D torture.  She slept during a couple of parts and when we left we rode over to the Melting Pot to do dessert.  Brandon decided he wanted to order the entire 4 course meal for us so we were in there for another 2 hours and Abigail had to sick there and smell all of those crazy aromas for all that time.  She was able to enjoy one little shrimp and we made it back home without any incidents.  Then at 11:15pm she decides she is hungry so we head to the fridge to see what we could make quickly.  She decided on a gogurt and then she wanted me to fry a smoke sausage for her.  Here is was almost midnight and I am in the kitchen frying up some smoked sausage!  As I said before, it is all about the kids!  So... what will be in store for us now?  Will tomorrow be a great new day?  Will one of the other members of the family be sick tomorrow?  Will we be able to enjoy it?  Of course we will be able to enjoy it, we are the Burnette's!!!  I am so thankful to have the most wonderfully resilient kids ever.  They are the best ever and have made this week at home rather enjoyable (in sickness and in health). 

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