Sometimes it just seems like a soap opera around here. So much drama... Everyone is getting a little cabin fever. My kids are cheerful one minute and moody the next. What to do, what to do... Here is a picture of Candace holding a goat. If you knew her you would laugh. She is not the goat holding type, but she enjoyed her trip to the Burnette Farm.
I can't wait for spring. One day last weekend the temperature got up over 60 degrees for one day and now this cold wet weather again! Abigail has a double ear infection now and Emily is driving me batty. I would love to be somewhere with blue water and sandy beaches. Why did I procrastinate on booking that trip to Aruba for this winter? I could sure use a break. Oh well, I am stuck driving a delirious Abigail around trying to find a CVS that hasn't shut down there Minute Clinic. When we left one CVS and went over to another one and came back out after seeing the doctor Abigail argued with me about where we parked. I told her we parked in that direction at the other CVS and she was determined I was wrong. She said it was today we parked there and I said yes it was today, but not at this store, it was at the other one. I just could not win so I let it drop with her being right. You would think she had a high fever or something, but she didn't.
Emily has her first cavity filled last week and the dentist told her she had done well and deserved a good prize, but then they didn't offer her any "prize". She was heart-broken and wanted me to make up for it. I told her she didn't get a special prize for something that resulted from not taking care of her teeth. (It's a hard knock life)
Thank goodness tee ball and softball practice starts next week. Abigail will be practicing on Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings. I don't know about Emily's schedule yet. We went last week to buy Abigail a helmet, faceguard, and cleats. I spent $150 on registration and over $100 on new cleats for both of them and Abi's helmet. $40.00 of this was for an outfielders mask they are both going to have to share. I let Emily play without one last year and I just can't stand the thought of one of them getting their teeth busted out by a flying ball, so I broke down and bought one.
Emily brought home a paper the other day titled "What I would do with $100" Let me say up front it wasn't buy supplies for softball! It said something along these lines "If I had $100 I would buy a Mustang GT so I could follow in my dad's footsteps. Then I woud go down to the animal shelter and feed the animals" She is so special... I wish I could stretch $100 that far. I am sure it would feed a lot of stray animals though, although I haven't found a way to feed a stray family of 4 on $100, so I don't know.
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