Our towel monkey that night! Give him a banana!
The next day we woke up at port in Cozumel. We had an adventure planned for the Tulum Mayan Ruins for that day. We had to take a 45 minute ferry over to the mainland and ended up in Playa Del Carmen. From there we took a 1 hour bus ride to the Tulum Mayan area. It was around 100 degrees and 75% humidity and we hiked into the site. Brandon was really into this excursion and Abigail and I had researched it before we left home. I figured if she already knew something about the site she wouldn't be so bored and irritated with the weather conditions (I had read that it was excruciatingly hot there). We practically melted as we walked around with one of the best tour guides ever! He had a lot of knowledge and his history with the site went way back so he knew his stuff!
The Burnette and Wallace children on a ferry ride. |
It was a beautiful day in Playa Del Carmen! I would love to go back there and see this city for a little longer than a pass through. |

Awesome Playa Del Carmen view! |
The Burnette's have made it to the entrance of Tulum! |
What a pretty site! Our tour guide did an awesome job making this as interesting as possible (even for people like me that are bored with history lessons!) |
GORGEOUS! (and there is a very cool astronomical story that went along with this structure!) |

Abigail trying to cool it off in the shade. Bless her...
We went down to the beach for Abi to swim. The rest of us didn't want to get wet for the hike back to the bus.
Me and Brandon on the beach at Tulum
Emily and me catching a selfie! |
After we finished at the ruins we hiked back to the village we had parked at, bought some fish tacos and chicken quesadillas and a large amount of potable liquids, and boarded the bus back to Playa Del Carmen and the ferry. It was a very hot day, but the sights were amazing and now we have seen some Mayan Ruins!
The next day was a "sea day". We were headed back to Tampa and we got to relax onboard. I spent the majority of the day out on deck laying in the sun with my Kindle.
This was my view all day Saturday. Too bad in the picture you can't hear the steel drum music and feel the ocean breeze!
The kids did their last practicing with their circus act and we attended the "Circus" that afternoon. Abigail was a plate spinner and Emily walked on stilts. Apparently I only got video of Emily and I can not upload it onto blog. Dang!