Mind you, he did this on our 3rd slide down. When we reported the broken cable holding the fence down they closed down half of the tubing paths. Great! It wasn't very crowded that day, but when they had to shut half the lines down it began to back up. I was disappointed because we got there late and then the park wasn't operating at optimal level (because of us). It was a beautiful ride up there though. Virginia was absolutely beautiful. They had 8-10 inches of snow but the power was off right in the area when we needed gas, We found a gas station right along with the other 24 cars that needed gas right away. We had a good day and still had an entire weekend to look forward to.
Saturday I followed Brandon around as he ran errands and got some things done around the "farm". We went to see our new baby calves and pcked up a truckload of animal feed. We ended up sending Pawpaw John off with the girls to go eat at Jay's seafood restaurant while we grabbed a bite to eat and a movie. We went to see Django Unchained. It was a good movie, but VERY long! It had been a long time since we had been to a movie without the kids so we enjoyed every minute.
Sunday I got a few things done around the house and tried to enjoy the beautiful weather. I could use a week of weather like this. We made a quick trip to Tractor Supply. Brandon and Emily stacked some firewood while Abigail and I messed around with the bow and arrow. I made a batch of goats' milk soap to test out. In April we have to take goats to the Green Goats and Garden festival and I plan to take some soaps there to see what people think. I am pretty sure that I couldn't have squeezed one more activity in this weekend. I am ready to go back to work so I can get some rest!!!