Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a very active weekend.  We started by going to Abigail's Kindergarten Author's Tea on Friday afternoon.  Each kid had put together a book of their writing samples from the beginning of the year up through the last couple of weeks.  We went out to dinner at Emily's favorite restaurant because she passed her first EOG (end of grade) tests.  We were going to the movies, but the movie we wanted didn't start until 10:15pm and me and Brandon were tired.  We owe her a trip to see Rio now. 
Saturday Brandon worked on his chimney project (long story), our DVD player quit working, and the AC downstairs quit working.  WOW...  I decided to pack the kids up and go to the pool (we left Brandon on the roof by himself).
Sunday we went to church and were supposed to have a cookout at a friends house but they had to cancel so we grilled out with some friends at our house instead.  Brandon called his step dad to see if he had any ideas about the AC and he came over and looked at some things Brandon never would have checked and apparently some trash got between two contacts and stopped the flow of juice.  They scraped it off and AC was working again.  YAY!!!  Brandon did destroy a $100 gadget that he was using to check the amperage on the AC unit, but at least we didn't have to get the AC repair people involved.  Later on that night Brandon figured out how to bypass DVD controller and control the DVD player with the TV instead. YAY!!!
Monday our neighbor came over and helped Brandon finish the chimney, siding, and tin on roof.  YAY!!! We cleaned up the construction area that has been trashing our yard for the past several months ( I told you it was along story)  and then we talked Brandon into going to the pool with us.  We went and picked up some canteloupe and watermelon plants and a new $100 gadget thingy.  We came home and tonight I planted the plants while Brandon changed the oil in my car.  YAY!!!
So thanks to all the people that helped us with our problems this weekend.  We have accomplished a lot this weekend while having a blast!