Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekends at Morrow Mountain

Abigail tries her hand at photography

Enjoying some Lance crackers

Sisters on the trail

Me and my world

Posing on the bridge

Taking a rest at the top of a grueling path

Trying to get the group back up after a rest

Nature's balance beam
We have spent the last 2 Sundays hiking at Morrow Mountain.  Last Sunday we did about 2.5 miles on a strenuous trail and we had such good weather again this weekend we headed back there again today.  This time we stopped in Albemarle and got a big bucket of KFC and had a picnic before we hiked.  We were planning to do the 4.1 mile loop, but about .5 miles in we found out it was closed, so we turned back and went in from the other end and it was closed .4 miles from that end.  We just circled around the group camp sites and made our own trail and then we found a .6 mile loop trail to go on.  Abigail is the "pace car" on the trail.  She will take off on a trail and we have to keep up with her.  It is nice to finally have kids that will hike without complaining and we really do cover some ground.  It was really nice to enjoy some beautiful weather with the family. 
Brandon has this mustang shirt with the horse racing and this is just what he was doing Thursday night on Hwy 49 when a state trooper happened to see him parade by going 70 mph.  He got a speeding ticket and has to go to court on April 15.  I guess he was trying to finish off his week to make my week not seem so bad.  I had a horrible experience that I had to endure Tuesday and Wednesday and it's something that I never ever want to have to go through again.  It's nothing to do with our health or families and on the grand scheme of things I guess it could have been worse, but none the less it was very nerve racking and scary.  Some things just make you want to quit your job and go hide under a rock where no one could ever find you!!!   Thank goodness we have a vacation coming up.  I live for vacations! (and to wipe Abigail's bottom-for those of you that follow my blog)
I did have a good birthday and Valentine's Day.  I got a Montana Silversmith necklace and earring set for my birthday and we went to the Thai House for dinner where the kids loved the food they got, so now Sogo's had competition for Emily and Abigail's favorite place to eat.  On Valentine's Day I got a gift card to massage envy and if I would have been thinking I should have used it Wednesday evening!  So I have something to look forward to next time I need to relax! 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Best Kids Ever!

My kids annoy the heck out of me but I can't help to think that I still have the best kids ever!  They are so funny and entertaining.  A few weeks ago I bought some King's Hawaiian Sweet rolls and I thought it would be a novelty to make little teeny sandwiches for the kids with them.  They are about 2 inches by 2 inches square and make cute little deli sandwiches.  One evening I asked the girls what each of them wanted in their lunch boxes for the next day.  One wanted PBJ and one wanted 2 little turkey, ham, and cheese on Kings Hawaiian rolls.  So I get out all the ingredients for this and then when I was finished put it all away.  Abigail then decides she wants one of the King roll deli sandwiches right then.  So I got all the stuff back out of the fridge to make her that almost 9 pm snack.  Then I put back up all the supplies for a second time.  Well, in the mean time Brandon got a bite of the little sandwich and decides he wants one too.  I told him I was finished in the kitchen and if he wanted one all of the stuff was in the fridge.  He argued that the ones I made were "made with love" and tasted better.  I ignored him and went on about my business to get things done for the evening.  He kept saying "I sure would like one of those little sandwiches" and the next thing I know Emily is in the kitchen making him one.  She told me later that the only reason why she did it was to make him quiet!  Great, I am raising a girl to do whatever the man of the house says!  Just wonderful!  Well, I am going to have to work on that because she needs to start letting that kind of stuff go!  But anyway, the next afternoon after school Abi wanted one of those little sandwiches for a snack and so I am in the kitchen and she comes over and says, "Now momma, make sure you make love with it!"  I THOUGHT I WOULD DIE!  I said, "Do you mean, make it with love?"  She said "yeah".  I wanted to roll on the floor.  I looked at that poor little sandwich and thought to myself, Now, exactly how would that work? Ugghh!  HA HA!

I also have proof that Emily is the boy that I never had.  She came home from school one day with a bunch of graded papers and there was a math test that she made a 100 on, but there were 4 extra credit questions on the back that would have made her and extra 20 points, but she didn't even attempt them.  I asked her if she didn't realize they were on the back and she nonchalantly said "Yeah I knew they were back there, I just didn't want to do them."  I was thinking, this is not my child.  I would have did every possible question for extra points in case I were to mess up something later in the semester, but oh no, not Emily.  She doesn't care a bit about math and that drives me up the wall!  She doesn't care about getting the bonus words on spelling tests right either.  She is going to be one of those that just squeaks by without putting an extra effort into things. 

One conversation we were having with the kids Brandon was telling us that mongoose were known for there speed and were used to keep away the cobra.  I said "oh..." and Brandon said "you didn't know that?, I thought everybody knew that!".  Abigail piped in from the backseat and said, "Yeah, everybody but momma and feel bad for her!"  Oh well... I guess if I ever learned that I have forgotten.  There are so many things to remember and the importance of mongoose has just left me.  I give up.

Brandon wants so desperately to turn one of the girls into a country girl that wants to take care of the chickens, feed the pigs, learn about engines, and do all the things over at the shop that he does.  Emily is not really interested in any of that for a long period of time.  Abigail on the other hand might give it a better go.  She is more likely to go with Brandon and collect eggs and hang out in the shop.  Emily and Abigail are responsible for cleaning the eggs after they are collected.  Brandon takes 10 dozen every Saturday to his buddy and trades them for a round bale of hay to feed the animals.  About a month ago we took 10 goats to the goat sale in Monroe and the girls each  had a goat to sale and they made money for our upcoming trip to Disney World.  I just don't understand how I didn't see any of the money from the sale.  Hmmm.  Oh well, I will get my cut one way or the other.