Monday, January 17, 2011

Back to Reality

The kids and I had a wonderful time the other week sledding/sliding in the snow.  We would go out each night after supper (when everything had time to refreeze) and play.  We would start from behind our garage and if we were lucky, make it all the way down to the playhouse.  This involved some slalom skills to maneuver around retaining walls, trees, and a muddy patch of land above the septic tank.  Even though this was strenuous work at times I don't think it was as good as exercizing in the basement.   I was able to actually start some scrapbooking that I have been meaning to get around to sice January 2007.  I actually found some supplies with the receipt to document my starting time!  Ha Ha, oh well, I have officially started to scrapbook.  My stuff looks a bit amateur, but with the help of my mom's stash of scrapbooking goodies I have made a good start. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day Catch Up

Hello everyone,
We began today thinking that it would just be a 2 hour school delay and now the kids are stuck at Maw Maw Kayes while Brandon and I went to work.  Well, Brandon tried to take me to work just to find out 1 hour into the trip that my work was closed.  So I am stranded here at Brandon's work with no way home.  I should have just drove on my own and maybe I would have been home when my supervisor called to tell us not to even bother.  Oh well, Brandon has a computer in his office so here I am catching up on some blogging and surfing the internet with absolutely nothing else to distract me.  I am not used to having nothing to do so this may be an interesting day.
I have a lot to catch up on so here we go.
For New Year's we went to Amy and Brian's house to have a Wii party and catch up with them.  Thank goodness for New Year's Eve because some years it sems like that is the only time we ever get see them.  They are always a hoot to be around so it's always good to spend at least 1 day a year with them.   I guess the clock in their living room was 3-4 minutes slow because when we turned the Wii off to watch the ball drop the people on TV were already celebrating, so we just went back to playing the Wii.  3 hours later when we turned the Wii off to go home California had just did there count down and we missed that count down too!  Oh well, it's all the same.  So Happy New Year.
The kids went back to school last week and Abigail started Ballet again.  She had took a year off and decided she wanted to go back to ballet class so now she is sash shaying all around the house again.  The night after her 1st class she had a eyelash on her cheek and she wanted to blow it away and make a wish.  She said "Do you want to know what I wished for?"  Usually I tell her no because it will not come true, but curiosity got the best of me and I asked her What?  She said " I wish that everyday could be as good as today!"  I almost melted because to me it was a busy crazy day.  I had worked from 6-2:30, rushed home to get them and go back to Midland for a 3:50 dentist appointment, and then rushed her to a 5pm ballet class, dashed home at 6:15 and had to literally throw supper together and I was ready to crash by bath time.  Her wish just gave me enough energy to get on through the evening.  She is such a character.  Emily on the other hand I am a bit concerned with lately.  She hasn't changed behavior, but little comments have been coming from her and I think she may feel like she doesn't get much attention.  Emily has the type of personality where she is quiet and enjoys reading or watching tv without a lot of interaction.  If I ask her to go outside and walk with me to Brandon's shop or the milbox she is never interested and Abigail will jump up and go.  Emily usually doesn't want to be involved in anything Brandon is doing and Abigail is right there like a loyal puppy.  So I guess we have learned to not ask Emily to be involved in anything with us because she seems never to be interested and we can talk Abigail into going and doing things around the house.  So now we are trying to ask Emily to do stuff and she still isn't interested.  I have started reading her Harry Potter book along with her in hopes of starting a book club sort of thing with her so we have something in common so we can talk about something that Abigail can't really be involved in yet.  I feel a bit guilty that I have let things slip into this habit of leaving her alone, but the personality of the 2 kids is so different it's hard not to take advantage of the times that Abigail is more socially available than Emily.  Oh dear, oh dear... What is a momma supposed to do?   
I thought me and Emily could have some time together Saturday night because Abigail had a friend over, but Emily fell in with them playing so I didn't get one on one time with her then either.  Abigail's friend Renae spent the night and the 3 of them seemed to have a good time.  Emily and Abigail went to church with Renae Sunday and then we took a trip up to Greensboro to see our friends Debbie and Steve.  We got to catch up with them for a few hours before we had to hit the road to get back home so we could get ready for school and work today.  As you know that didn't pan out, so here I am with a new blog trying to catch you up with the Burnette households' where abouts for the past week or so.  Maybe we can go sledding tonight when we get home and prepare for they icy slide in tomorrow.