Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lazy Day

We started the day with running errands with the entire family in tow. We got everything done and came home and sat around like lumps on a log. Brandon decided to go over to his shop and Emily wanted to go with him so she could play with the new baby goats born earlier this week. This left me with Abigail.

The wind was picking up outside and a storm was brewing so it actually felt nice outside. I told Abigail to grab her fairy chapter book we had been reading and head for the hammock. We finished her book, she "rocked" me in the hammock, and then she wanted me to color with her. I had a peaceful 3 1/2 minute rest while she ran inside to get coloring books and crayons. The temperature had dropped drastically outside and we decided to sit on the front porch steps and color. About 10 minutes in we were forced to take cover. We still were able to stay on the porch, color, and eat a tootsie roll pop. We sat and talked about random things on our minds. It is so much different to be able to talk to her without Emily putting ideas in her head and steering the conversation for her.

About 15 minutes later the rain was coming at us sideways and we had to go inside. We decided to bake some cupcakes. Abi broke the eggs, measured the water and applesauce, and used the electric mixer all by herself. We made yummy mini strawberry cupcakes and stood in the kitchen until they were done so we could eat them hot out of the oven. I was about to suggest we go snuggle on the couch when daddy and Emi came back in and put the brakes on our "fun" afternoon. Well, it was a great afternoon with my baby girl and well worth ignoring house work for!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Abigail's 5th Bithday

Oh my goodness, my little baby has turned 5 years old! We had about 30 people over on July 5 to celebrate and then I took a half day on July 6 to spend with her on her actual birtday. I took the girls to xtreme play, kicked back and read my book I have been trying to finish up. They would come to check in every now and then and we stayed for about 4 hours. I think it was good for all of us! Here are a few pictures of her party and xtreme play.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

4th of July parade

Getting ready to go to parade
Our friends the Woodards and us
Our friend Amy throwing gum for Bank of Stanly (far right on tailgate) and her daughter standing behind back window
Paul Shadt from 96.9 was grand marshal of parade
Search and Rescue Dogs Abi liked
Got any candy?
Emilt enjoying parade
Abi's fake smile
Emily waiting on parade to begin
Burnette and Woodard kids
Today we went to the parade in Oakboro. We found our friend Laura and her kids and sat with them. Usually it is so crowded you can't find anybody that you are specifically looking for, but we got lucky. Her are a few pictures. Emily is wearing her new outfit that she is so proud of. She saw it in a Justice magazine and had to have it. We went shopping last night at Toys R Us for Abi to pick out her birthday present and Emily wanted something too. I figured we would go ahead and go to Justice and let her get her outfit and that would satify her wanting it and not feeling left out because of Abi's birthday. It is going to have to be part of her back to school clothes! Abi was upset because the store didn't have her size (they start at size 6), but we did find her a hat that suited her. She has gotten so many complements on it. It definitely got people in the parades' attention. They would see her jumping and waving with that hat on and then they would throw her candy directly! Anyway... tonight will be the fireworks and we will be back down at Oakboro!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Working hard all week to put beer on the table!

Brandon and I went out on the Red Neck Yacht this past Tuesday night. It's a Yacht sponsered by 103.7 radio station. Josh Thompson was playing. He is a newer country singer. We had a pretty good time, but we only recognized 2 of his songs-Beer on the Table and Way Out Here. Here are some pictures and a video of him. I would prefer to sing Working hard all week to put Mountain Dew on the Table!

Child Labor Laws?! HA

Here is a picture of Abigail and Emily sorting potatoes in the basement. All I wanted them to do was to get the small ones out so I could cook and freeze them. You would have thought it was the end of the world! They hated doing it. I would go check on them and it was so pitiful them stowed away in the basement in amongst 2 bushels of potatoes! They got through it and I paid them their $2 and Emily made me so proud of her. She took her money and bought Abigail a birthday present with it. She didn't even think twice about it. I LOVE MY GIRLS!