The wind was picking up outside and a storm was brewing so it actually felt nice outside. I told Abigail to grab her fairy chapter book we had been reading and head for the hammock. We finished her book, she "rocked" me in the hammock, and then she wanted me to color with her. I had a peaceful 3 1/2 minute rest while she ran inside to get coloring books and crayons. The temperature had dropped drastically outside and we decided to sit on the front porch steps and color. About 10 minutes in we were forced to take cover. We still were able to stay on the porch, color, and eat a tootsie roll pop. We sat and talked about random things on our minds. It is so much different to be able to talk to her without Emily putting ideas in her head and steering the conversation for her.
About 15 minutes later the rain was coming at us sideways and we had to go inside. We decided to bake some cupcakes. Abi broke the eggs, measured the water and applesauce, and used the electric mixer all by herself. We made yummy mini strawberry cupcakes and stood in the kitchen until they were done so we could eat them hot out of the oven. I was about to suggest we go snuggle on the couch when daddy and Emi came back in and put the brakes on our "fun" afternoon. Well, it was a great afternoon with my baby girl and well worth ignoring house work for!