Hello everyone! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
We have had a pretty eventful time these past few weeks. Emily and Abigail have both started softball practice and we are busy with that every Monday, Tuesday and Saturday. Abigail is a hoot out there on the field. At her second practice (after she felt more at ease) we saw her cradle and rock her softball glove like an infant, she skipped to first base while the other girl stood on first with the ball, and she of course played in the dirt! She is so funny! She is the teeniest little girl on her team and I think she should be the team mascot instead of a player! Brandon got pulled into helping coach that team and it is a wild mess! There are 15 little 4, 5, and 6 years olds running in 15 different directions and giggling all the way. I will let everyone know when games start so ya'll can come watch the fun.
Our friends Kelly and Ned celebrated their little boy's 1st birthday a few weeks ago and we got to meet up with them and our other friends Steve and Debbie and their 2 kids. We haven't seen them since before Christmas and we were able to sit around and catch up a little. We will get together again soon for Steve and Debbie's little boys' birthday.
Tonight at supper Abigail said, "Momma you fed me too much weed!" She was sitting there eating her grilled asparagus and I thought Brandon would fall over. I am glad she likes weed, but told her not to tell anyone! Oh dear...
I am just glad that Abigail is feeling better. She woke up Monday morning and said she didn't feel good. Emily told her she would have a lot of work to make up if she went to Maw maw Kaye's for the day (remember she is only in Pre-K) and we were able to talk her into going on to school. I thought she was just being sluggish and hard headed. Well, school called an hour later and said she had through up on the bus, in the cafeteria, and in the hallway. So we had to call Maw Maw Kaye for sick duty. She through up for half the day and then Tuesday she went to school, but that night she had diarhea. She is all better today.
Emily was referred to an orthodontist and we went last week to have her evaluated. She is going to have to have 2 baby teeth extracted tomorrow and another (second) opinion visit with another orthodontist next week. By the looks of things she will have to start Phase I of a 2 phase process of braces sometime soon. Her top front tooth and her bottom front tooth meet when she tries to bite together and so she is compensating by pulling her bottom jaw in so they will scissor down past her bottom teeth. This is causing her bottom 4 and top 2 permanent teeth to stay loose and causing a crazy bite. After this round of braces she will wait until all her permanent teeth come in and go through another round of braces to correct any cross bite problems that she has left over. To make a long story short, she has got a snaggle tooth mess! It freaks me out to see a permanent tooth wiggle back and forth knowing that it's supposed to be still! I can't wait for her to have something done because it bothers me to see her like this now that it is confirmed that she has a problem. She is excited about getting braces, but she doesn't want the extractions done. She was hoping that it would cost too much and I wouldn't want to have it done! Yeah, she thinks I'm cheap! She is also worried that the braces are too expensive and I have told Brandon we are not to talk about the cost of it, payments on them, or anything concerning money for dental work areound her. I don't care what it costs, I want to see her teeth fixed! I tried to explain to Emily that I am very careful with money so when things like this come up, it's not a big deal. I think she is feeling better about it.
I went to a Pure Romance party Saturday night at Laura's (the woman renting my old house) My friend Kelly went with me. It was a hoot! There were a bunch of wild slightly drunken lunch ladies there. We had a hilarious time. I would recommend having a Pure Romance party to anyone that just needs a reason to have a party. Laura really knows how to decorate and entertain. Our old house looked wonderful. It looks better now than it ever did when my family lived there! We are so fortunate to have a family living there that take care of it like they do.
Well, have a good week and be glad that you know all about my children's stomach and teeth problems! I will let you all know how things go for Emily and her Snaggle tooth saga!