Well, we put Brandon on the big bird last night for the flight to Germany. I heard from him twice today. He sounded tired, but he said it was really pretty there. They are staying on a river near some castles that have bullet holes in them from a long time ago. He said they had so really bad turbulence and for about an hour it felt like they were on a roller coster and people all around him were throwing up their supper. He said he got sweaty and his mouth watered really bad, but he never threw up.
Emily took the leaving him at the airport pretty badly. She cried for about 20 miles up the interstate before she cried herself to sleep. She was crazy sounding and saying things like "IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT WITHOUT DADDY" and "I DON't WANT TO LEAVE HIM" and I thought she was going to hyperventilate. A bit too dramatic for my taste. About 10 minutes into it Abi is looking calmly over at Emily and says "Emi, you starting to make me feel upset." And then it carried on for a while longer. She recovered, but she still talks about him being gone. We went into Kohls last night and I was telling Emily her face look red and an older woman said, "What's wrong sweetie" and Abigail said "She's been crying because our daddy is gone!" Of course I had to explain. Then today at Footloose skating rink Abi struck up a conversation with a pregnant woman and Abi told her "My daddy couldn't come because he left us!" Abigail has no idea how this sounds to an adult, and the woman looked pitifully at her. I jumped in to explain, but I don't know if the lady believed me or not! It has been crazy! Anyway, we are doing fine and staying busy. Emily has her last 2 softball games this week and us 3 girls have Thursday and Friday off together to do something fun. Probably Nascar Speed Park.
Here are a few pictures of the leaves turning around home here. I can't believe how beautiful they are!